Holler – Q&A with Nicole Riegel

The film is visually stunning. Can you talk about your approach, and how you worked with your collaborators?

Nicole Riegel: I knew the color palette I wanted to use before I began collaborating with my production designer and cinematographer.

Rebel Hearts – Q&A with Pedro Kos and Shawnee Isaac Smith

The following questions and answers are excerpted from a conversation that followed the NBR screening of Rebel Hearts. How did the project begin and how did you two come together? Shawnee Isaac Smith: I’ll start since it was twenty-one years ago when I met one of the Immaculate Heart sisters and was so inspired by their […]

All Light, Everywhere – Q&A with Theo Anthony

Can you talk about that decision, and how you thought about the various meta elements of the project?

Theo Anthony: That idea of accounting for the act of observation in observing is something that I’ve always been drawn to, as a big science nerd!

Changing the Game – Q&A with Michael Barnett, Alex Schmider and Clare Tucker

The following questions and answers are excerpted from a conversation that followed the NBR screening of Changing the Game. Michael, I understand you came to the project when a friend shared that they had a child that was transgender. How important was it to make this film in order to become that much more of an […]

Dream Horse – Q&A with Euros Lyn

What were some of the bigger challenges you faced in making this film?

Euros Lyn: One of the things we worked very hard on, as a team, was to collaborate so that every department worked together very closely.