Bring Your Own Brigade – Q&A with Lucy Walker

It was fascinating to learn that you had already been in the process of making a film about wildfires when the camp and woolsey fires occurred. Can you tell us about that?
Lucy Walker: That’s right. The reason I was able to really embed, and I knew what I was looking at and could just jump in, and start asking the right questions was because I’d actually been working on the film already for about a year at that point.

Settlers – Q&A with Wyatt Rockefeller

It felt like there were unexpected and interesting story turns at every corner. What sparked this idea for you?

Wyatt Rockefeller: The spark for the idea came, really, from a feeling. I was in the woods with my Dad, and it was snowing.

Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain – Q&A with Morgan Neville

The following questions and answers are excerpted from a conversation that followed the NBR screening of Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain. You chose to make this film fairly soon after Anthony Bourdain’s death. Did your perspective change over the course of shooting? Morgan Neville: Well yes, it changed because there was so much I learned. […]

Holler – Q&A with Nicole Riegel

The film is visually stunning. Can you talk about your approach, and how you worked with your collaborators?

Nicole Riegel: I knew the color palette I wanted to use before I began collaborating with my production designer and cinematographer.

Rebel Hearts – Q&A with Pedro Kos and Shawnee Isaac Smith

The following questions and answers are excerpted from a conversation that followed the NBR screening of Rebel Hearts. How did the project begin and how did you two come together? Shawnee Isaac Smith: I’ll start since it was twenty-one years ago when I met one of the Immaculate Heart sisters and was so inspired by their […]