Why did you want to be in this film?
Redford: Because he asked me! In all honesty, I’ve spent many years building an organization to promote independent film, and yet no one has asked me to work in their film.

Why did you want to be in this film?
Redford: Because he asked me! In all honesty, I’ve spent many years building an organization to promote independent film, and yet no one has asked me to work in their film.
You were shooting in environmental conditions that were extremely difficult. Can you talk about those challenges?
Greengrass: The first day we shot in the lifeboat was really intense.
When Alfonso brought you the project what was your initial reaction?
David Heyman: It’s a privilege working with Alfonso. You know you’re going to be part of something that is extraordinary.
What was your initial response when you were approached to appear in this documentary?
Dr. Robinson: I said absolutely not. We were not interested in doing any movies or press of any sort. It’s not about us; it’s about the patients.
The different reactions of each character to a horrible situation seem remarkably realistic: No one knows quite what to do, but they all feel they have to do something.
Jackman: One thing I think Denis is really drawn to is the moral ambiguity – the gray areas – of characters and life. And I think that’s what really attracted us both to this material.