How long did it take for you both to adapt your own experiences for the screen?
Emily Gordon: We started writing this five years ago, which is five years after the events of the movie.

How long did it take for you both to adapt your own experiences for the screen?
Emily Gordon: We started writing this five years ago, which is five years after the events of the movie.
How did you translate the stage direction into the performance?
Edgar Wright: When I gave the script to the actors, they had all of the music as well, so they could read the script with the right music playing.
Your character is particularly interesting because he comes across as an avatar of our current president, only more articulate and charismatic. What was your approach to him?
John Lithgow: I choose to take that as a compliment
Can you describe your writing process for this film?
Trey Edward Shults: It started when I wrote this in 2014, and it comes from a personal place of having a rough relationship with my biological father who suffered with addiction.
Can you discuss the process of adapting the book for the screen?
James Gray: The book is a meticulously researched thing. Immediately you realize that you’re in for it if you change something factually and of course I had to, because it’s a movie.