What drew you to this material and inspired you to direct the film?
Sian Heder: I came to this because it was originally a studio film, and Lionsgate was looking to do a remake of La famille Bélier, a French film that came out in 2014.

What drew you to this material and inspired you to direct the film?
Sian Heder: I came to this because it was originally a studio film, and Lionsgate was looking to do a remake of La famille Bélier, a French film that came out in 2014.
What drew you to this material and inspired you to direct the film?
Sian Heder: I came to this because it was originally a studio film, and Lionsgate was looking to do a remake of La famille Bélier, a French film that came out in 2014.
The locations are incredible. How did you find them?
Potsy Ponciroli: This film was really created out of the location.
Can you talk about finding this character, before you brought him to the page?
Paul Schrader: These kinds of stories — I’ve done about a half-dozen of them, stretching all the way back to *Taxi Driver* — usually come about when there’s a metaphor.
Can you talk about the germination of this idea, for you?
Jeymes Samuel: The film has been in my head since I was a kid.