The film is based on a book of short stories by James Franco. Can you tell us about how the project developed?
Coppola: James and I met up randomly – I had seen him at a deli and then later that night I ran into him again.

The film is based on a book of short stories by James Franco. Can you tell us about how the project developed?
Coppola: James and I met up randomly – I had seen him at a deli and then later that night I ran into him again.
How did you get involved with this film?
This project actually just came to me—Katie [Couric] got in touch with me out of the blue with an email that simply said, “would you be interested in doing an Inconvenient Truth on food?”
Can you each talk about your first impression of the painting that inspired this film?
Mbatha-Raw: I first saw a postcard reproduction of it that I bought in a gift shop.
Let’s talk about the story. What inspired this script?
I’ve always liked movies about streetwalkers. I mean, there’s been so many of them, from every culture.
Mr. Law, when you play a character like this, what does that do to you over the duration of the production?
Well, you pick up a lot of unhealthy habits! I was very ready to let him go, when we wrapped.