Ex Machina – Q&A with Alex Garland and Oscar Isaac

How did you arrive at Nathan being this weightlifting, heavy drinking, bro-ish guy?
If the people you’re interacting with are physically intimidating and intellectually intimidating and also very rich, it doesn’t leave you much room to maneuver.

A Most Violent Year – Q&A with J.C. Chandor, Jessica Chastain, and Oscar Isaac

Mr. Chandor, why did you want to bring this story to the screen?
It was sort of two ideas that ran into each other. There was this core story that I had been working on for many years – probably six or seven years, actually – about a husband and wife who ran a business together.

Top Five – Q&A with Chris Rock

The scene where you go to see your family is amazing. Can you talk about how that came together?
It was ninety degrees in August, in New York City, in the projects. So you can imagine… just the smell!