What was your experience like coming to this project?
Jason Segel: I had made a decision that I wanted to do something entirely different than what I had been doing.

What was your experience like coming to this project?
Jason Segel: I had made a decision that I wanted to do something entirely different than what I had been doing.
How did this film develop?
Barry had written an article for the Boston Phoenix about his experience testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. It’s just so funny and well written… it reminded me of a Frank Capra story.
How did you two work together on the big dramatic scenes?
Those scenes were difficult, they’re really emotional.
How do you approach these two very different characters who are the same person?
With excitement, because it’s a nice challenge. To play an older man, and then a younger man.
How did missing certain parts of the script before shooting influence you?
Parker Posey: I came on set thinking the film was one way — kind of light fare — and I sort of had water thrown on me by Woody: He immediately told me that she’s a suffering, lonely woman; she’s very unhappy.