Determined to have her first kiss, Loulwa defies her tumultuous world in search of normalcy. As she braves Beirut in pursuit of her sexual awakening, she finds herself taking an instant leap into adulthood when her world erupts into a redefined “normal.”

Nay is a Lebanese filmmaker based in New York, and a recent MFA in Filmmaking graduate from NYU Tisch School of the Arts — where she also teaches editing. Before moving to New York, Nay built her on-set experience working as an assistant director on numerous award winning pictures, most notably The Insult by Ziad Doueiri (2017 Academy Award nominee). Born and raised in Beirut, Nay’s stories center around her upbringing, and are inspired by her experiences as a Lebanese woman. Her work has received recognition from notable organizations such as the Sundance Institute, the Doha Film Institute, The Future Of Film is Female, and many others. Her films have screened at major festivals such as the Raindance Film Festival, Palm Springs International Shortfest, and the Tribeca Festival where she won the 2024 Student Visionary Award for her short film Ebb & Flow.


2024 NBR Student Grant


Type of Project





New York University


Isabelle Mecattaf, Nay Tabbara, Hasan Hadi

Writer, Editor

Nay Tabbara


Mark Khalife


contact [at]
